One of the most fundamental questions throughout human philosophy is whether or not we have the ability to make our own decisions, free from any outside influence. Philosophers have come up with three theories regarding this idea; free will, determinism, and compatibilism are three different concepts that explain how humanity is influenced and lives there lives.
Personally I believe that Compatibilism is the most correct theory. I believe in the Christian God, therefore, I believe that there is someone over us who controls every moment of all of humanity. He is omnipotent and outside of time and so he can cause whatever he chooses to happen. If God wants me to come into great wealth, or drive a Porsche, it could happen. This is determinism because it means that I personally do not have control over things that happen in my life. However, I also believe that although God has power to do whatever he sees fit, he does not make decisions for us. God allows humans to have free will in order for them to chose to follow him under their own circumstances. A god who forces people to follow him has no legitimacy because his followers are brainwashed, but when God has humans who follow him out of their own decision he gains credibility. I believe that I may make any decision I would like with my life, and although God could stop it, he chooses not to in order to preserve my freedom. This mix of determinism and free will cements my belief in compatibilism.
My position on this subject is very weak because scholars cannot study and prove the existence of God (nor can they disprove it). Due to this, there is no hard evidence that proves my beliefs. However, there are many humans who believe in the existence of the Christian God and can testify to miracles that have happened in their lives. Christians also act of their own accord and while they do act on what they believe, they are making these decisions out of their own convictions. God is not forcing them to give their money to charity or be nice to people, he is just asking. Another example that proves this ideology is that many people experience things that are clearly not of their free will. Often humans will encounter large amounts of wealth or extreme decisions that they attest to not coming up with on their own. This is clearly not something that they came into based on their own decisions. This drastic change in their lives can also set off other changes, which is a form of determinism.
This mix of free will and determinism forms an ideal lifestyle for humanity. Individuals can live their lives however they please. However, if they live their lives in a way that pleases God, he can reward them with things they cannot necessarily achieve on their own. I believe this is the best way to live your life: by serving God. I also believe it is the only true way to happiness. That is why I believe that compatibilism is the most correct theory when asking who is writing the script of my life.
You make a conflicting case for Compatibilism. Early in the blog you said this: "I believe that there is someone over us who controls every moment of all of humanity." That's a strict Determinism. But then you said this: "God allows humans to have free will...." That's not Determinism. To be a Compatibilist you have to soften the edge of Determinism and you have to tighten the latitude of Free Will. I wonder if you'll develop your thinking in subsequent blogs.