Friday, April 22, 2016

So What?

         During the past few weeks of class we have learned about moral decision-making.  There are many different ways to go about making a decision. Decisions are made based on wanting to make the right choice for yourself or others (consequentialist ethics), making the decision based on rules (duty based ethics) or you can make a decision based on what the decision would show about your character (virtue ethics).
            I did not know anything about the three main categories of decision-making until this class, but after learning about the different ways that people make their daily decisions lets me understand what the person might have been thinking prior to the act. Knowing the decision-making categories does not mean that I agree with every decision that people make, but I can generally figure out why they chose to do what they did.
            I am going to write my blog cultural reflection and student honesty or cheating. Everyone here at Belmont knows that cheating is against the rules for this university as I am sure is the case for every university in the country. Prior to taking every class each student is required to sign a piece of paper on the syllabus that states that cheating is not allowed in any form.
            Even though cheating is against the rules here at Belmont I am sure that there are many students who choose to take the risk and cheat anyways, because it is easier. Other than those few students who choose to cheat and find the easy way out of work I believe the majority of students choose to do their own assignments. By choosing to do your own school work you do not have to worry about getting caught and earning yourself a zero on the given assignment or even worse being kicked out of Belmont. Since the consequence could lead to such a severe punishment most college students do not cheat and make the smart decision by using the duty-based ethics category.

            Another cultural reflection topic that I am going to talk about is romantic relationships. A romantic relationship is the perfect topic for when virtue ethics decision-making should be used. Virtue ethics is acting like a virtuous person. A virtuous person acts with kindness, honesty, forgiveness, and many more. The three of the traits that I listed are very important in making a relationship last and for that reason making a decision in a romantic relationship would best be made using virtue ethics, well at least if you want the relationship to last for a long period of time.

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